How Successful is TMS for Depression?

There is no “one size fits all” treatment for depression. Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) is quite common, affecting millions of people in the US. The use of antidepressants and psychiatrist visits are commonly utilized, but may not be successful for everyone. TMS therapy, which was approved by the FDA to treat depression in 2008, is gaining popularity as an effective alternative to traditional treatment. It can also supplement traditional treatment meaning you don’t have to stop what you’re doing or taking in order to be treated with TMS.

TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) therapy uses a padded helmet that sends magnetic wave pulses to stimulate certain parts of the brain which are affected by depression. It is a completely safe procedure, and it does not require surgery or anesthesia. 

TMS therapy is highly effective in treating depression. According to a Post-Marketing Study by Brainsway, patients who received 30 or more TMS treatments achieved an 82% response rate and a 65% remission rate. Though TMS is not a cure, many patients of TMS treatment report feeling better for multiple months.

TMS therapy proves to be a safe and successful way to treat depression. If you think TMS may be right for you, CNS Mental Wellness wants to help you find the relief from depression that you are looking for.

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